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Posts posted by Wystan

  1. That's the same thing, but i need to increase draw distance only for a certain entity and not for entire map. If i set this for the entire map, i get a significant fps drop because city is really big and the thing i need to be visible is really far.

  2. So, my project, Silex Prime Adrian's Paradox Episode 1 The Mystery Man is nearly complete. Soon it will be voiced. Yet, im not rushing to give the script to the voice actors as i wanted the protagonist to joke. The problem is that i dont have a good sense of humor. Can someone help me alter his lines to have humor in them?

    Smoo likes this
  3. This project had many names from "Doctor Who War With The Invisible", "War With The Unknown", recent "Silex 3: Paradox of Colonel Williams" and current one "SILEX PRIME: ADRIAN's PARADOX". It is a Doctor Who based story third person shooter featuring incredible twists and guaranteed to blow your mind several times.


    Over a Half of the first episode is now complete, but now i have a new job so my free time significantly reduced. I've been working on this project for ages, but right now i have little to no free time, I desperately need help of another mapper. If any mapper and/or person with knowledge of icarus scripts can lend me a hand, PM me.

  4. Okay people I've found the solution. It's unexpected. This map is a prison so it has forcefields more than 100 forcefields. When i removed them, everything started to work perfectly. While it wasnt what i wanted. And the solution is: there're many prison cells far away from player that will never be opened so i did a single forcefield instead of each 10 separate forcefields. Now everything is fine.

    Asgarath83 likes this
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