Reference Sheet
Common Errors
Radiant Errors
- When I compile, the DOS window just pops up for a second and
disappears! There's a MAP and a BAK file now, but there's no BSP.
What do I do?
As I warned you early on, if you don't install Radiant correctly, this
sort of thing could happen. You first need to verify that all of the
paths in File/Project Settings are correct, based on what I instructed in
GC101 Lesson 2. Also make sure that all of your paths use their
8-digit filenames (PROGRA~1 instead of "Program Files"). If
everything is right, double check that Radiant is installed into the
correct location - the file JK2Radiant.exe should be in GameData/tools/.
If it's not, again, you installed Radiant to the incorrect location.
Reinstall it as I explain in GC101 Lesson 2. If all of these things
are correct and you still can't load Radiant, simply try reinstalling
Radiant over the top of the old installation. If it doesn't work the
first time, try up to three additional times.
- "Entity NOT created, brushes not all from world"
Most likely, you had something selected before you chose to add an entity.
Usually, when you create an entity, you will either 1) create a new entity
from nothing or 2) convert a brush into an entity. If you have an
entity already selected when you choose to create a new one, Radiant will
be unable to do either of these things and instead convert your existing
entity into the new entity. This can be useful (and it not
necessarily an error) if you want to, for example, change a func_glass
into a func_breakable. You will get this error, but there is nothing
actually wrong with your map.
- There's a huge box in the bottom right hand corner of my screen and IT
Don't worry, that's an easy problem to fix. Just click on Radiant
(not on the box) and press the "n" key to make it disappear.
- I can't see any textures in Radiant, just big flat colored
In the Textures Menu, select Render Quality and then
Linear. This will tell Radiant to actually render the textures
in Radiant. If Radiant is jerky moving around the 3D View,
you can lower this setting to Mipmap or Nearest Mipmap.
- By Derisor: I right-click in the 2D View and nothing
happens at all! I have a Dell laptop. What gives?
Dell laptops by default have a mouse interceptor program running called
Synaptic Touch Pad. Turn that off and all should be working.
Compiling Errors
- "Entity 0, Brush 0: duplicate plane"
When you were editing a brushes vertices, at some point you dragged the
vertices in such a way that the two planes opposite each other were in the
same place. While this error isn't necessarily a vital
problem in the compile process, it can cause some weird visual side
effects as you basically have a double-sided texture. It is
generally best to avoid this, but if you really don't want to rebuild the
brush that the error is on, it it technically okay to leave it as it is.
- "Entity 0, Brush 0: degenerate plane/mirror plane/bad normal"
Select Find Brush... from the Misc menu and search for the
brushes with those errors. Then delete them. (:
- "Entity 0, Brush 0: MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING"
This error often occurs when there are just too many vertices on a brush.
Do a search for the offending brush and clip it (Shift-Enter) into
multiple brushes to get rid of the error.
- "0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...Exceeded
maximum number of styles per face"
This most often occurs when you have different colored lights or dynamic
(pulsating/fading) lights applied to the same face of a brush.
Simply move the offending lights to fix it.
In-Game Errors
- I have a pane of glass in front of a sky brush and it's giving me a
HOM (Hall of Mirrors) effect. What gives?
Make your glass brush into a detail brush by selecting it, right
clicking and selecting "Make Detail." Recompile and it should be
- "Version is 12415234, expected 1"
This is a common error with a large number of completely random causes -
but the most obvious is an illegal brush. While most illegal brushes
are found during the BSP process (halting it), sometimes one sneaks
through the system and causes this error. Illegal brushes of this
type are most often causes by using CSG Subtract (Remember how I said it
was evil? This is one of the reasons.) Find the brush you CSG
Subtracted from, delete it, and build it from scratch to repair the
problem. If you are completely lost as to which brush it might be,
download a copy of GTKRadiant (not available from this website) and use
Brush Cleanup in BobzTools. That will eliminate the problem.
- "SP_worldspawn: first entity is not worldspawn"
This error often occurs when you either try to add an additional
worldspawn entity or accidentally delete the original (I won't explain
how, but it can be done). According to DanielPB58224, we have
a new, easier method to correct this error. Open up your MAP file in
a text editor and find the block of code for your first entity (should be
the first few lines of your MAP). Change that entity's classname to
"worldspawn", save your MAP, and open it up in Radiant. All of your
brushes will probably now be grouped together. Simply shift-click
any brush, right-click and select Ungroup Entity, and voila - your map is
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