CutScene - Part 2 (Scripting)
OK, now that we've gotten the map setup completed it's time to move on to the scripting. You can find BehavEd in the radiant folder under the GameData in the JKA
folder. But anyway when you open it up you'll only see the comment field. You
don't have to enter anything there, but I like to incase I forget what I'm doing

Next find the camera button-thing on the left that says 'camera' and double-click it. It should pop up below the comment line. Leave it as it is.

Next double-click the camera icon again and double-click the new field that comes up under the other camera command and this window will pop up.

Change it to move and click the re-evaluate button, then the helper button to get this:

Next click the 'tag' button to get this (yes I know this part will have a ton of pictures, trust me it'll make it better, I had a bad experience with a lack of pictures when doing this so you will be smothered in them!!! Sorry I'll stop ranting now.):

Next replace 'targetname' with 'cam1' so you'll end up with this:

Now just click ok and get a new camera command and open it just like the last one and change it to pan.

Once you do that click on re-evaluate and you should get this:

Click the helper button again and the other stuff should pop up. Change the
field next to the tag button to 'ANGLES'.

Click tag and you'll get this:

Replace 'targetname' with 'cam1' like shown here:

Next go over to the left and find the wait command(with the clock not the red light thing) and double-click it. You should end up with this:

Double-click the wait command that's under the highlighted command shown in the picture, and change the field to 8000.000(it counts in
milliseconds so 8000.000 = 8 seconds).

Now add another camera but this time change it to 'Disable', yet again shown here:

Next save it to your scripts folder, but before you click save create a new folder called 'cin' and save it as 'cutscenetutorial'.

Now click the button labeled 'Compile' and when it's done you should get this:

Now open up JKA in Single Player!!!!!!!!!! or else it won't work. When you're there open the console and type 'devmap cutscenetutorial' and it should run by it's self. I might make an advanced tutorial later, but this is all for now.
Demasu (aka