
General Concepts 102: Conclusion
Example of a Completed MAP from the GC102
Now it's time, once again, for your final project. In
addition to the skills you learned in GC101, by this time, you should be
able to:
Use Caulk Appropriately
Understand what a Compile Does
Utilize Different Compile Types
Create End Caps, Bevels, and Patch Meshes
Put a Cap on the End of an End Cap or Bevel
Alter the Vertices of End Caps, Bevels, and Patch Meshes
Place Models in a Map
Properly Create Clip Brushes to Block Off a Player's Access
to Models
Understand what a Shader Is
Create Skies
Create a MP Map with Appropriate Player Starts
Create a Levelshot
Create an Arena Script
Create a PK3 that will Run on Other People's Computer
For your class project, create a map that::
In terms of architecture, consists of the following:
- An outdoor map under a Bespin sky (use bespin/sky - it emits its
own light)
- Four platforms connected in the center by a common walkway
- A round tower in the middle of at least 1 of the platforms
- A Cloud Car model (models\map_objects\bespin\twinpodcc.md3) in the center
of one of the platforms
- All areas not visible are caulked
In terms of lighting, consists of the following:
- No lighting necessary other than the light emitted by the sky
In terms of gameplay, consists of the following:
- MP FFA map
- Large enough to permit 20 people to play without being crowded
- Has weapons placed strategically (powerful weapons in hard-to-get-to
places or in the very center of open areas)
After completing your project, congratulations on a job well
done! You now have all the basic tools necessary to create a quality
SP map - and everything to create a quality MP except bot routing.
If this is all the information you want from these classes,
then congratulations on getting through it! Just remember that
whatever you start, finish it. If you start a project, get it done.
Don't abandon projects until you are 100% sure you don't want to work on it
ever again.
To the rest of you... see you next class. (:
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