
General Concepts 101: Conclusion
Example of a Completed MAP
from the GC101 Class
Now it's time for your final project! By this time you
should be able to:
Move Around the 2D View
Move the Camera Around the 3D View
Draw, Delete, Resize, Flip, Rotate, Clip, and Alter the Edges and
Vertices of Brushes
Apply Textures to Brushes and the Faces of Brushes
Fit Textures Across the Faces of Brushes
Create and Move Entities
Create Spotlights
Alter the Settings of Entities, including Lights
Create a Playable Map
For your class project, create a map that::
In terms of architecture, consists of the following:
- Four Rooms connected to each other in a square by short hallways
- A "point of interest" in the center of each room, such as the footbridge
in the tutorials
In terms of lighting, consists of the following:
- A combination of radial light and spotlights
- One room should be "daylight" brightness
- One room should be "evening" brightness
- One room should be "nighttime" brightness
- One room should be in your favorite lighting scheme
In terms of gameplay, consists of the following:
- Has one enemy NPC (entity) in each room
- Weapons, ammo, health, and shields are placed placed somewhere in the four
After completing your project, congratulations on a job well
done! You are half the distance to knowing everything you need to know
to make maps. If you think you're ready to learn the rest of it, head
on over the General Concepts 102. (:
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