So what do you do when you want the play to get hurt but not from an NPC? And what if you want them to fall with that cool fadeout and scream? The answer: trigger_hurt. First of all, we need a place to fall! Cut a hole in your floor and make a long drop. It should be something like this:
Now we don't want there to be light down in our endless void, do we? Add a negative light to simulate a bottomless pit. To do this, create a light entity at the bottom of the pit and assign is a light key with the value -300. This will make the bottom of the pit appear pitch black. Now in a bottomless pit, you don't want to hear yourself smack the bottom, do you? You need to create a cushion brush, which is just a brush that covers the bottom of your bottomless pit covered in the system/cushion shader. In the game, the cushion shader is invisible, but it will muffle the sound of a player's (or NPC's) fall.
Next, you need to create the trigger_hurt itself. Simply create a brush that fills the lower half of the pit. Then with that brush selected, right-click and choose trigger_hurt from the trigger entity menu. Cover that brush with the system/trigger shader.
To finish this up, you need to assign the entity's properties. The properties you need to assign, however, depend on what type of map you're making (whether you have SP_entities.def or MP_entities.def loaded). For Single Player:
For Multi Player:
Thus, to make a bottomless pit you need to:
Not that difficult, eh? (: If all you want to do is hurt the player, simply create a trigger_hurt with whatever value you want for dmg. Compile and enjoy your screaming death! You can also spawn NPCs to push into the hole by using the console command NPC spawn NPCName. Simply replace NPCName with your favorite enemy to kill - Stormtrooper, Reborn, or otherwise. |