Brushes 201: Conclusion

Example of a Completed MAP from the BR201 Class

And yet again, it is time for your final project.  In addition to skills from all 100-level classes, you should be able to:

  • Create Liquids

  • Create Accent Fog

  • Create Volumetric Fog

  • Throw the player with func_push

  • Hurt the player with trigger_hurt

  • Create a falling death with trigger_hurt in both SP and MP

  • Create a simple door

  • Use a trigger_multiple to trigger events, such as opening doors

  • Use a func_usable to alter the appearance of a wall switch

  • Create a platform that goes up a specified distance with func_plat

  • Create a platform that follows a path with func_train

  • Create glass, both that can be shattered and that cannot

  • Create a destructible brush with func_breakable

For your class project, create a map that::

  • In terms of architecture, consists of the following:
    - A series of four rooms connected by doors, some opened by switches, some by simple presence
    - One room with platforms moving in a series, all hovering above a pit of lava that causes instant death
    - One room with a series of jump pads to throw the player around one of the rooms
    - One dark room filled completely with fog
    - One room with a maze of glass, some breakable, some not

  • In terms of lighting, consists of the following:
    - One room that is sky-lit
    - One room lit entirely by radial lights
    - One room lit entirely by spotlights
    - One room lit by your choice

  • In terms of gameplay, consists of the following:
    - Varied NPCs placed throughout the map
    - One "boss" room with NPC_Desann
    - Ample weapons, ammo, and items spread throughout

After completing your project, congratulations on a job well done!  You now have all the tools necessary to make rather complex maps with brushes!

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