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Saber Duels [Feedback]

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So, I've written a lot of new and modified code for the saber system.


How it works right now (tested it and it seems to work as planned down to the letter):


Saber Offense and Defense -

- Saber offense gives you an attack power number level of 2 * your offense (2 for level 1, then 4, then 6)

- ^same for saber defense except for defense strength

- attacks below your defense power are knocked away if your saber defense is high enough (100% / very high chance for Saber Defense 3, 50% chance for Saber Defense 2)

- attacks that are equal to your defense strength or below when your saber defense isn't high enough for a knockaway are just blocked and interrupted without the attacker being stunned like a knockaway

- attacks that are above your defense level are blocked but your defense power is subtracted from the opponent's attack power, and the remaining number is added to your stagger counter (1 for defense 1, 2 for defense 2, 3 for def 3)

- once your stagger counter reaches the limit your guard starts breaking and you stagger and the opponent's attack continues uninterrupted, stagger counters decreases by 1 every 1.5 seconds


Other Stuff -

- breakparry and parry bonuses boost offense and defense by their respective numbers (so +1 would be like half a level, +2 would be like a whole saber offense/defense level)

- saber styles give you an attack power modifier; -2 for Fast style, -1 for Tavion/Duals, 0 / no effect for medium style, +1 for staff, and +2 for strong/desann style

- a -1 attack penalty if you're in a transition (transitions are only counted as attacking though with Staff style or anything stronger anyway)

- slight tweaks to how Force Speed and Dark Rage affect attack power

- g_saberLocksEnabled now allows you to control whether saber locks are even possible

- g_saberNewCombat if non-zero turns on the new saber combat mechanics otherwise the old saber system is used

- saber offense 1 or lower causes you to be disarmed randomly by being blocked by saber defense 3 users instead of defense 1 which didn't make sense to me


Bugs/Glitches -

- saber locks seem to happen much less frequently now even when enabled (not sure why, unintended side effect I believe)

- special attacks are always blocked now (I think because they force your attack power to be a flat 2 instead of whatever your power level is +2)



I'll post a vid later, but I can't right now. It still needs tweaks (like having the stagger counter reset after a guard break, maybe slower blocking to show when strong attacks are being blocked, saber locks need fixing, and I want to have Saber Offense levels affect how fast you recover from knockaways), but what do you guys think of how it sounds?

Asgarath83 and katanamaru like this
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