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0. How to install and start jaMME


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System requirements are same as Jedi academy ones.

Recommended RAM: 512 MB.



Download the latest version here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1712-jamme/.

Unzip it to your GameData.

If you did it right, there is a jamme.exe and a start_jaMME.cmd in your GameData and a folder mme. Not so hard to do actually, hehe.
If you want you can read through the other attached files: cvars.txt, cmds.txt and readme.txt in the mme folder.

Now download FFmpeg: https://www.ffmpeg.org/ (That tool is needed to capture low size videos in high quality.)

Find there ffmpeg.exe and put that file into your GameData.

Installation complete.

Running it and loading a demo

You need a demo for this. Note: keep the demo name shortest possible, there have been problems for some users because their demo name was too long. It's something like foldername+\+demoname.extension must not be longer than 64 characters.
Mme reads demos from the standard demo folder base/demos and mme/demos (including subfolders) (and also from the folders and their demos subfolders in the fs_extraGames cvar, see: start_jaMME.cmd file). So stuff your demo into one of those, you can browse through all subfolders of the mme demos folder in mme itself so you can sort your demos in different folders if you have very many.

To start jaMME, doubleclick start_jaMME.cmd. JA will start with the mme mod loaded. You can now play a demo and see how it works.

To do so, click on Demos. You're in the demo browser. Find your demo and doubleclick it. The demo will load and play in recorder's pov.

Basic controls and settings

First of all, let's say you only want to record some recorder's pov footage from the demo you loaded. In the other tutorials it's explained how to do cameras and all that funky stuff : )
So, you loaded the demo and it's playing from recorder's pov.

Basic key commands you have now:
C : pause / resume demo playback
Hold Shift + move the mouse : control demo time
Hold Shift + D : move 4 seconds forward in time (you can hold this down)
Hold Shift + A : move 4 seconds back in time (you can hold this down too)

With mov_seekInterval you can define how far forward or back you jump (in seconds) pressing shift + a/d, default value is 4.

cg_draw2D 3/2/1/0

show 2D images on screen:
0 = hide all images, 1 = show all images, 2 = show all images and show chatbox if camera is not locked to any player
3 = same as 2 but shows underwater visual effect in either camera mode or in frags only mode (mov_fragsOnly > 0)


con_notifyTime -1, 0-infinity

time how long console messageare displayed on screen. Put -1 to avoid having them shown on screen while capturing. Do rather use this instead of all know cl_noprint because with noprint you won't be able to get the console messages updated, but with notifyTime  everything is printed In the console, just doesn't appear on the screen. Standard JA cvar by the way.


mov_chatBeep 1/0
enable / disable all chatbeeps


mov_fragsOnly 0/1/2

hide 2d except frag message and awards:
0 = disabled, 1 = only frag message and awards, 2 = frag message, awards and snipe scope if sniping​


fs_extraGames "text text"

tell the game from which mod folders it can load files: fs_extraGames "japlus japp" will load such files as animations, rgb sabers, demos from japlus and japp folders, fs_extraGames "mme MBII" will load mme assets and all MBII mod related files, and so on.


com_affinity 0/1/2/4/8 etc

define what core(s) (for multicore CPUs) the game will use for itself. it's better if it's set to 1 (default) and uses the 1st core since the game works faster on a single core.

IMPORATNT: set to 0 if you are using FFmpeg/pipe to speed up capture.



Now capturing time. You do not use the cl_avidemo command anymore because it's limited. Several capturing options there:
Frames per second, motion blur, name and sound capture.

defines how many screenshots per second are taken while capturing. Any value possible

mov_captureName "name"
defines a name for the video/screenshots for better overview. Video: Name001.mp4/Screenies: Name0000001.tga

mme_blurFrames 0-32
defines how many frames are blended together for motion blur

mme_blurOverlap 0-32
defines how many already blurred frames are again blended together or so. Fiddle around with it.

​(drunk effect, if crashes, increase mme_workMegs)

mme_saveWav 2/1/0
enable / disable sound capturing to a wav file while capturing

IMPORTANT: 2 = capture audio into a video file (avi/pipe)


I guess as beginner you don't need to set all of these. saveWav is enabled by default, that's enough, blurOverlap.. don't bother with that yet, it's 0 by default, leave that too. Set some blurFrames, every footage looks better with some blur in my opinion. Values from 32 and higher give nice motion blur. Higher value = higher quality = longer to capture.

You don't have to set mov_captureName and mov_captureFPS yet, you do it automatically when you start capturing.

Now stop the demo by pressing C, go to the point in the demo where you want to start capturing by holding shift and using the mouse and/or the A and D keys.
Open the console, type something like this (or bind):
/capture <pipe/avi/png/tga/jpg> <fps> <name>
Example: /capture pipe 30 impressive (/bind F1 "capture pipe 30 impressive", fit F1.) (Make sure you installed FFmpeg, see Installation above.)

Then bind capture stop to any key (/bind F2 "capture stop").
It does not capture yet, it starts when you unpause the demo.
Unpause the demo, wait until it's captured, then press the capture stop key and you're done, the captured mp4 are in a subfolder of mme/capture.

Okay that's it right? Hehe, hope I helped you.
Good luck and have a nice day.


Credits: John "auri" from q3mme crew; original: link.

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